Thursday, March 26, 2009

Proportion Study with Line, Point and Edge

Here is my proportional study with line, point and edge. I wasn't really clear on these instructions (so what else is new). But I was thinking about a wave as my force of nature. I started on a standard arithmetic grid. I tried to get the center of the wave a little up and right of center of the canvas. My hope is that the viewer's eyes will move from the busy bottom left to the center of the wave. I did this in blue and white instead of black and white. Then I decided it needed a little more depth. So I made a layer using a gradient of ocean colors and liquified it to mimic the swirl. I then lowered the opacity of the blue background so the color variations showed through.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beautiful Ann. Yes, the instructions weren't clear, but your interpretation is fantastic.
