Friday, January 16, 2009

Orientation Quiz

A. What is something that is going well in your life?
I'm embarking on a new career path, hoping to become a certified computer geek by May, 2010. I enjoy being a college student (which is good since this is my 3rd degree endeavor).

B. What are your specific goals for this class?
I hope to obtain a fundamental knowledge of graphic design for use in web site design. For me that means learning when to stop, how much can go on a page and how to design for a customer rather than myself.

C. What was your first experience with design, computers and imaging technology like?
I took some digital photography classes at UAS-Sitka with Tim Schoder a few years ago. I loved the classes. But those were photography and Photoshop classes, not design.

D. Do you usually work on a Mac or a PC and why?
When I bought my first computer, Mac was mostly for education and PC was for everybody else. I've always used PC. But with all the trouble with Vista and the lack of support from MS, I'm almost ready to jump ship.

E. What is your experience level with any of the other image editing or vector programs available?
Okay, I'll admit that I don't even know what a vector program is. So I guess my experience there is zero. I have used Jassc with it's pretty simple adjustments to color, contrast, brightness, and cropping. I've done some photo manipulation work on Photoshop Elements and a little on Photoshop CS1.

F. What is something you liked about your day today?
Nice relaxing dinner with friends.

G. How do you plan to use what you learn in this class?
I hope to do web design and maybe some desktop publishing professionally.

H. What would make this class go very well for you?
Finding all the pieces of hardware for my desktop computer in working order. My house was flooded Monday morning and I had 4 inches of standing water in my home office and living room. That was enough to totally submerge my surge protector. I have no idea if I've lost my entire system. And the people who came in to help me pack and move to tempory housing didn't label boxes. I have about 72 boxes to go through to find and re-connect everything. If I can get through this hurdle in the first week without falling behind, I'll be alright. Otherwise I'll be spending my time at campus in the computer center.

I. How do you plan to make this class go very well for you?
I have to get organized and get my house in order. This is not the type of class I could easily catch up if I get behind. As for the subject matter, I have to relax and try new things.

J. What do you do for creativity on an on-going basis?
Write, write and then write some more. I'm in a women writers group that meets weekly. I also try to do Artist Dates as recommended by Julia Cameron in the Artist's Way.

K. Who is Milton Glaser? Paul Bass?
Milton Glaser is a graphic designer. Paul Bass I don't know, unless it is suppose to be Saul Bass, also a graphic designer.

L. Do you own or have access to a color image scanner?
I did Monday. I'm praying that it didn't get ruined in the flood.

M. What software application will you be using for the course?
I bought Photoshop CS-4 and installed it on my desktop, which is now scattered in several boxes. Unfortunately I hadn't installed PS CS on my laptop. So if I can find the CD, I'll be using PS. If not, well I'll just keep looking until I do.

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