Sunday, February 1, 2009

Project 2 - Expressive type and design

I wish I had more time to play with this. But not this weekend. I've had several ideas that I could not execute in the software I have available. In fact some of my fonts have gone missing since I set up my Adobe Bridge. I don't know if that has anything to do with it. But it looks like I have different fonts on my old desk top that doesn't have PS set up. Has anyone else noticed this?

Anyway, this is what I have so far. Stodgy - an adjective for something hard to digest. I think of stodgy as globby, fattening food so I wanted my word to look globby and fat. I started out with a big fat font, Bauhaus 93 at 105pt. I typed it in Photoshop and applied filters. First I used the sponge filter to give the characters some variation in color. Next I spherized twice so it would be nice and round. Then I applied the Mosaic tiles to give it a little more character.

Next up was ornate, as in too much decoration to be useful. So I found the most frilly font I could (Parchment at 48 pt) and I added a little color just to make it more ornate. The color was done with the gradient tool in Photoshop. And the colors don't show up as well on the blog as on my photoshop screen. I don't know why I made it so much smaller than stodgy. But I like it small and more delicate.

Sludge always reminds me of my father's warnings to change the oil in my car frequently. So I wanted my sludge to look like thick black oily gunk. I used a font called chiller at 105 pt. I also used the gradient tool in Photoshop on this to give some variation in the color. And I added a little smudge to finish it off.

I saved crush till last because I had to change computers to get the right font. When I thought about expressive type for crush, all I could think of was type being pressed or squeezed. Of course there is another definition to the word crush - an adolescent infatuation. So I decided to take a different approach to the word crush and try to put myself in the mindset of a 10 year old girl in math class, trying to concentrate on long division when all she can really think about is the dreamy guy sitting on the second row.

The font I used here is called chick. I changed the color of each letter because that's what a 7th grader would do in the throws of a crush. I decided to use this one as the one to expand. So I added a little mindless doodle in a font called Curlz MT. It was such a simple idea, but it ended up taking 4 layers in Photoshop to get all the elements in. I'm finding there are limitations to working with text in photoshop. But the work I did in Word didn't load up to the blog. So here is my last word of the day.

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