Friday, February 27, 2009

Assign 4a - photo study of shells

Asymmetrical Balance
I had trouble even getting started with this assignment because I wasn't clear what the outcome was suppose to be. Thanks to John's clarification, I think I know what I'm trying to do here. I wasn't sure if all the photos were suppose to be the same subject matter or not. But I decided to give it a try using shells as my subject. As I understand it, I am suppose to illustrate principles of design through a series of photographs. I resisted the temptation to photoshop these. Other than cropping, these are just as they came out of the camera (except for the ones for orientation).

The one I've posted at the top is my asymmetrical balance shot. This was the easiest one to do and one of my favorites. It's pretty much the shells as they were in the bowl. I rearranged a few of them to spread out the colored ones from the white ones. I took this (and most of these) on my kitchen counter in front of a large window with natural light.

Next up - symmetrical balance.

Symmetrical Balance

This is not my favorite - it's a little too bland. But it is as close to symmetrical as I could get using the shells I had available.

Alternative Symmetrical Balance

This is my alternative for symmetrical balance. I like it better. It has more depth, more interest. But, it's not as symmetrical as the one above. When I set up this picture, I started not to use the shells that were broken with large pieces missing. But once I starting working with them, I decided they add interest and character. I almost used this photo for my illustration of repetition. That is a problem I'm having with this assignment. Several of my pictures could represent more than one design principle.

Now, color balance.

Color Balance

Most of the shells I have are white, brown or a grayish blue. So even though this isn't very colorful, I think it's a good balance of the color I had to work with. I hate to admit it but the background surface for this picture is my bathroom counter top. And yes, it really does have gold flecks in it. But it was the right color, so I'm just going to imagine the gold flecks are grains of sand.

Next, dominance.

Other than dominance with size, I wasn't sure what to do here. Then I noticed this tiny delicate shell trapped inside a larger chunky shell. So I did no set up here, just letting Mother Nature speak for herself.

And now repetition


This has the repetition of the swirls, shape and almost size. Looking at it now, I wish I had put them closer together to give more of a connected group feel to it.

Alternative Repetition

This is an alternative for repetition. The basic shape of the shells repeats, but the size and color give contrast.

Now for scale.


I had trouble with this one and I'm not sure this will be my final choice here. I have a lot of small and medium size shells and then this one way bigger than all the others. I tried to show the large one in comparison to smaller ones of the same shape and color. But there is nothing in the photo to give it perspective. I'll think on this one some more.

And now, orientation


This one was a challenge. I finally decided to take one interesting shell and photograph it from several different angles. I put three of them into this collage. Although I like this little collage, I'm not sure it's the best representation for this assignment. I might do something else here too.

Alternative to Orientation

Okay, I should be embarrassed by this on. I wanted to think outside the box for orientation. So I waited until it got dark, pulled out some flash lights and played around with shining lights through some of the shells. I think it was a good idea, but I'm no good at night photography. This is the only photo in this assignment that I adjusted in photoshop. I had to brighten it up and lighten it. I'm not at all happy with the results. It's grainy and dull. But this is a learning experience and I have no pride. So here it is.

Rhythm or Movement

Rhythm or Movement

This is a closeup of a shell. Even though it's not moving, I think the pattern of the shell implies movement of water.

And finally, pattern.


This one might have been my repetition. But I decided it showed a nice contrast of two patterns, the deep ridges of the darker shells contrasted against the the fine circular patterns in the white shells.

Thanks for viewing. Comments and suggestions appreciated.

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