Thursday, February 5, 2009

Graphic Artist Link

As John suggested in class, I'm adding a link to a favorite graphic artist/designer. His name is John Rubio, currently of Austin, Texas. He does many types of design work from designing gift cards (you know someone has to design those things) to corporate logos and web sites. At his site, if you go to the first link - to "design" and then to "logo and identity" you'll see several logos he's developed for everything from a swim suit company to a green energy company to a roller derby cheer leading squad. A lot of these designs really illustrate what we've been working with this last week. I especially like the swim wear one. Click through them and shop around. I think you'll enjoy it.

John also does a lot of cartoon and animation stuff. And I think he has a pretty straightforward, easy to follow web site for being such an artist type. He does have very good taste (I know this because he married my niece) but a wicked sense of humor. One think I've learned from looking at the variety of his work, is that to be successful commercially, designers have to design for their clients taste, not their own.

So if your roller derby cheer leading squad needs a new logo, Rubio is the man for the job.

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