Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Final Project Part 1

I'm dividing my blog posting into two sections, the ones I liked the best in this entry and then some "process pieces" in the blog posting below.

These two versions are the same design with a different layout of the text.

I originally did this design as the scales of justice with some Southwest landscape colors in the background. We discussed this image in class and I got positive feedback. But we also discussed the concern that C K Books might expand beyond the legal profession. Is it wise to limit the logo to a legal theme? I thought that was a valid concern. So I tried some designs with a desert theme. They are shown in the posting below. They just didn't melt my butter. So I put some more thought into my original design and had a light bulb moment.

Crown King is an old gold mine in Arizona. It's in the mountains and I'm not even sure that it is in a desert, well, maybe a high desert. It's history is all tied into the gold mine. And gold mines remind me of gold prospectors. And gold prospectors used scales to weigh their gold. So I'm thinking that when an attorney sees this logo, he or she will think of the scales of justice. But maybe, when someone who has been to Crown King sees it, they will think of gold.

To reinforce that idea, I rethought my colors. I moved the gold color of my earlier design to the scale trays. It's a subtle hint of scales filled with gold. Then I used the blue of an Arizona sky and the dark red often seen in Southwest landscapes for the other background colors. To reinforce the gold theme even further, I used gold for the text. I've tried this image in black and white and in many sizes and I think it will work in multiple formats.

Thanks for viewing. Comments welcome. And good luck on the final to all of you.

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