Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rough draft for final

Here's a sample of what I'm working for on the final project. I was going to do a book cover. But all my ideas proved hard to execute. So I decided on a logo project instead. I wanted to combine a legal theme and something to tie into the desert. So I decided on the scales of justice with desert sunset colors in the background. I was going to have someone holding the scales. But it's too busy for a small logo.

For the type I used CopprplGothic Light. I like it because it's clear, simple and easy to read. I don't like that it's all caps. So I tried Monotype Corsiva. I'm not sure about it's legibility in small print.

I'm trying this out in color and in black and white. I think it closes some of its impact in black and white. But then most any logo in color losing something when printed in B&W.

It's still a work in progress. Thanks for viewing. All comments and suggestions welcome.


  1. Great idea Ann. You are very creative.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ann I like that you are showing the color and black and white versions, it takes out all worries of what it might look like. They both look good. I agree with you on the readability of the more cursive text. I like how it is arranged with the CROWN on top and the KING BOOKS on the bottom.

  4. I have to laugh at how you came about doing the logo instead of the book cover. That was my same problem with the logo, which is why I did the book cover (that and my ideas were close to what she already has in some aspects). I had also thought to include the scales of justice in a logo, glad you did!

    I really like the second pair of logos. The white silhouette keeps it light and is less foreboding that the black one. Also, the font is very readable but also (to me) screams classic book and library. I agree with Newt that showing both color and black and white is a good idea, and the logo works great in both.

    Have you tried doing a shade of the color in the background? Going from a lighter to a darker from top to bottom in both the color and black and white might add even more to the design. Just an idea. They are quite elegant as they are.
