Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Process Pieces for Final

These are some of the process pieces I worked through for a logo for C K Books. I liked the combination of the scale and the desert colors. But I thought I would try making the scales gold and the "sky" blue. I was pleased with it in color. But when I tried it in black and white it was a total failure. I'm sure this is because of the low contrast between the gold and the blue hues. I could probably adjust the colors and fix it in black and white. But it wasn't my favorite so I didn't.
In class we talked about the desert theme, or at least a theme that wasn't totally tied to the legal profession. So I tried a few desert theme designs. The thing I like best about the top one is that it looks like a sun in color and a moon in black and white. But I'm really not crazy about them. So I didn't polish them up for the final. But I thought I would have them here just in case I need a backup plan.

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